“Gee, Clem, it was so nice of those zookeepers to give us this lovely tank all to ourselves.”
“I know, Marge; it makes me feel really special.”
“And it’s just so big! What’ll we do with all of this room?”

“We could get a living-room set, or maybe a sectional? Or a plasma TV! –I don’t know. It’s hard to believe we have all this space all to ourselves, isn’t it?”
“It is, a little…

“We are alone in here, aren’t we?”
“Of course, Marge. Why do you ask?”
“Oh…no reason…”

“I know, Marge; it makes me feel really special.”
“And it’s just so big! What’ll we do with all of this room?”

“We could get a living-room set, or maybe a sectional? Or a plasma TV! –I don’t know. It’s hard to believe we have all this space all to ourselves, isn’t it?”
“It is, a little…

“We are alone in here, aren’t we?”
“Of course, Marge. Why do you ask?”
“Oh…no reason…”

{A note: I do write all text and take all pictures. Please do not reproduce either without my permission.}
That's terrifying! Do kids get to see this?
See what, the tank or the blog? :)
If you mean the former: given that it was in the reptile house and the aquarium was that of the tentacled snake, I don't think any kids would be too upset. They might even want to see the snakes feeding; kids can be bloodthirsty (I should know, having been one).
Ha ha, awesome. So creative.
Also, I was TOTALLy one of those bloodthirsty children! And I secretly still root for the cheetah on Animal Planet, never the gazelle, even if that makes me a bad person.
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