Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Scorn You All

Actually, I think this lion, rather than being snooty, was really lifting his head in order to scent the air--not a more comforting thought, frankly, since I'm pretty sure I was at least part of what was flavoring the air. I observed this behavior right after having passed by the tiger enclosure, where one of those restless animals had opened its mouth in what may have been a yawn but mainly looked like a very significant display of teeth. Maybe I'm reading into things, but I doubt it...

(By the way, I will have to ask you to forgive briefer and less photo-filled posts for a little while, since my primary computer is in the throes of some sort of breakdown. Hopefully it'll recover soon.)

{A note: I do write all text and take all pictures. Please do not reproduce either without my permission.}


Noel said...

Well, if they were smelling you, at least you know you smell yummy. :) In grad school, I once got in a library-study-procrastination discussion about the film "Alive" and cannibalism, and who we'd choose to eat if we were stranded on a mountaintop. I got voted first consumed--wasn't sure if I should be honored or horrified.

Olivia V. Ambrogio said...

Oh, my god! I wouldn't know which to be, either! --I'd say probably honored but wary. Don't go on any hiking trips with that group...

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