I just saw this fascinating story on the National Zoo’s website about their new program providing Apps for Apes, where the orangutans can use an iPad to access "more than 10 apps, including musical instruments, cognitive games, drawing programs and others. Eventually, the Zoo hopes to connect its orangutans with those at other zoos using video conferencing platforms."
Is technology the best way to go to increase “enrichment” among captive animals, particularly ones so closely related to ourselves? Do we run the risk of having them lose out on “real” experiences, or is this an excellent way to prevent boredom and at the same time allow researchers to observe behavior? Or a bit of both?
{A note: I do write all text and take all pictures. Please do not reproduce either without my permission.}
It's insane, but then captivity is insane-making, so if this helps. . . .
That is so interesting. I wonder if there might be some online romances in the making.
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