As you may recall, a couple of months ago I commented on the fact that the younger of the two flamingos hatched this past summer was turning pink faster than her slightly older year-mate, and I speculated on the tensions this might cause between the two flamingelehs. But now, the balance of rosiness seems to have shifted in favor of age, and while the younger, # 29, has a handsome pink head and neck…

…The elder, # 28, has, like many late bloomers, blossomed:

I’m hoping that by now they’ve given up on the petty competition they had in the fall about who was looking rosier—and that, instead, they’ve decided to take a page from Adam’s Rib and each call the other “Pinkie.” (“'Y' for him, ‘ie’ for me.”)

…The elder, # 28, has, like many late bloomers, blossomed:

I’m hoping that by now they’ve given up on the petty competition they had in the fall about who was looking rosier—and that, instead, they’ve decided to take a page from Adam’s Rib and each call the other “Pinkie.” (“'Y' for him, ‘ie’ for me.”)

{A note: I do write all text and take all pictures. Please do not reproduce either without my permission.}
Thanks for this. I need some cheer on the day when the hideous Michigan Governor, using the Repugnican script, is stripping Michigan of all services for ordinary, salaried folks.
Your Adam's Rib reference made me smile.
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