The two cheetah brothers are back in the exhibit with the female, and all three seem interested in spending a lot of time together—or, at least, two of them seem very interested in spending time with the third, and I’ll make the assumption that the males are feeling chummy about the female (though I’m willing to acknowledge other possibilities).

In any case, there was a lot of grooming going on in the time that I observed the three cheetahs.
It wasn’t necessarily reciprocal; either one was grooming the other or the same individual was grooming him(?)self.
Nevertheless, all three seemed very comfortable together. Maybe they consider it philosophically: some are born groomed…

some receive grooming…

and some have grooming thrust upon them.

In any case, there was a lot of grooming going on in the time that I observed the three cheetahs.
It wasn’t necessarily reciprocal; either one was grooming the other or the same individual was grooming him(?)self.
Nevertheless, all three seemed very comfortable together. Maybe they consider it philosophically: some are born groomed…

some receive grooming…

and some have grooming thrust upon them.

{A note: I do write all text and take all pictures. Please do not reproduce either without my permission.}
Why is it only humans lack dignity in photos?
I know what you mean, but it may also be because we don't expect the same level of photogenic-ness (?) from another animal as we do from our fellow humans--we're less concerned about their good or bad sides or whether they're chewing something or have their eyes half-closed--and we can't evaluate whether they have a foolish expression.
Or maybe it's because there is less diversity in most animal's faces. They seem to have fairly uniform countenances.
Their expressions are varied yet all have the atmosphere of 'I can take it or leave it' or 'Don't push it'!
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